Friday, May 9, 2008

Material Goods Does Not Equal Happiness

The American lifestyle is all about material goods; our government even gives us “economic stimulus check” to “stimulate” the economy. While some things are a necessity like a place to live, food, and social interactions, many of the gadgets and electronics that we use on a daily basis we don’t need and only use because it is what is in fashion or what the media tells us we want. The only time that you realize you don’t need these things is when they get taken away.

On I hot summer morning I awoke to remember that I had forgotten my wallet in my car. That week I had been living at my sisters and had packed everything I had of value (camera, clothes, PS2, iPod, cds, running shoes, etc.) into my car to move back to my parents’ house. I left it in my car because I did this moving at 2 am, and wanted to sleep. My parents live in a safe neighborhood and I didn’t think much about it until I needed my debit card to purchase a train pass. I walked outside and became searching my car for my wallet. To my horror my car had been cleanout over night and everything that I had worked for and owned was gone.

It took me a couple months to get over my losses and come to the conclusion that I did not need these things to be happy; they didn’t talk to me, or love me. Through this experience I realized that while we like to have the newest cell phone, or videogame, these things only make you happy momentarily and what we really should be focusing on is something that loves you unconditionally.

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