Thursday, April 3, 2008


I remember this morning when I figure that my alarm clock would go off twice and it only went off once. This seems to happen these days when I assume that it is like my old phone and that like it will go off every ten minutes, but old technology is never as good as new technology and therefore my “new” old cell phone has an alarm with only one setting; on or off.


War is Over. If you want it. said...

I know what you mean. My alarm clock on my Blackberry fails me all the time. Old cell phones all the way.

Mia Websdale said...

First of all I like the title. It fits the blog too. Haha made me laugh, even though I don't think you did it on purpose. I know the feeling when your new phone sucks and your old phone was way better and now you are totally not used to the new phone and you can't get up on time. Ever. My new phone is similar in that it likes to turn itself off whenever it is not in the mood to be on, and that tends to happen during the night when I expect it to be on to wake me in the morning. Phones suck.